STSING – Many years of experience in finance
STSING Software was founded in 2004. In the beginning, only the system integration and data processing for the industry and banking sector were the main fields of STSING. Over the years STSING has strengthened its expertise and enlarged its offer in software components for the international finance market and the corporate treasury.
By the end of 2010 STSING realigned its strategy and developed a modularly integrable software solution for treasury that combines all parts of the liquidity and risk management (front to back office)
This new software solution named eDealer offers the first ERP for treasury, particularly of top-selling companies. The cash management and the front-to-back office processes as well as risk management are well covered by eDealer.
Nonetheless, we think that even the best software is not enough if there is no adequate service. For this purpose our IT-consultants work very closely with our customers and help them in terms of planning and execution of their projects.
Thanks to eDealer and the know-how of its experts, STSING is today indispensable in the treasury management.